To schedule or inquire, email:

Dr. Ohlson accepts payment in full at the time of service.

Appointment fees are based on complexity and time. Average initial appointment is $295, average follow up appointment is $225.

The following information and codes may be helpful for determining your coverage and reimbursement:

Dr. Ashley Ohlson Stramp, ND

WA license: NT60612309

NPI: 1447619614

Common codes for a visit with lactation or infant feeding concerns:

-99203/99204 (new patient visit)

-97140 (manual therapy) use this code for craniosacral therapy

Possible diagnosis codes:

-O92.13 cracked nipple associated with lactation

-P92.5 neonatal difficulty feeding at the breast

-P92.9 feeding problems of the newborn

-O92.4 hypogalactia

-Q38.1 ankyloglossia

-R19.4 change in bowel habit

-R63.4 abnormal weight loss

Common codes for a visit for infant craniosacral therapy:

-99203/99204 (new patient visit)

-97140 (manual therapy) use this code for craniosacral therapy

Possible diagnosis codes:

-M43.6 torticollis

-Q67.4 congenital deformities of the skull, face, and jaw

-P92.5 neonatal difficulty feeding at the breast

-P92.9 feeding problems of the newborn

-R63.3 feeding difficulties (infant and early childhood)

-Q67.3 plagiocephaly (flat head; includes brachycephaly)

-M95.2 acquired deformity of head
